An employee status can be viewed in Lighthouse using the following steps:
- Log into your account at
- If you have access to multiple companies, use the search bar at the top to find the desired company or group
- Select the relevant profile (likely Broker Producer Profile or Eligibility Profile)
- Click 'Employees' in the left-hand navigation bar
- Employees will show an icon with "ee", "children", "family" etc, detailing what coverage they are currently set to.
- If they are covered by COBRA, the listing will state COBRA below the type of coverage.
- For members on California State continuation, they will be marked as "Cal-COBRA" instead.
Members marked "COBRA" will show on the group's invoices in the same way, so pulling the invoice is another way in which to view active COBRA members. (NOTE: Cal-COBRA members will not appear on a group's invoice as they are billed directly.)