An employee can be updated in Lighthouse using the following steps:
Do you use a file feed? Work with your vendor or for questions email
- Log into your account at
- If you have access to multiple companies, use the search bar at the top to find the desired company or group
- Select the relevant profile (likely Broker Producer Profile or Eligibility Profile)
- Click 'Employees' in the left-hand navigation bar
- Search the list for the employee you would like to update, you can use the alphabetical list or type the name in the search bar. If updating a terminated employee, be sure to select "Show deactivated Employees"
- Once in the employee's page, if editing permissions are allowed for your group, you should see an option in the right-hand Employee options box called "Elections Management".
- The Elections Management Screen will allow you to Edit the end dates for a policy (terminate a single policy) or Waive a future policy.
- "Add Coverage" can be used when a member needs a new policy added at time of Open Enrollment.
- "Add Coverage" an also be used on a terminated member who needs rehired/reinstated.
- In the "Add Coverage" screen, select the line of coverage, start and end dates (see your policy for more details) and the reason for adding.
- Reasons can be Open Enrollment - an option that will only appear during your renewal period.
- They can be QLE (Qualifying-Life Events) - please note, some changes are not allowed for certain events such as, you are trying to enroll a member over 60 days retro-actively, enrolling a new hire for a date that does not correspond to their hire date, etc.
- Follow the steps, then hit Complete.
Questions or problems using Elections Management? Reach out to: