You can update your existing bank account information (for automated pulls) by doing the following:
- Log into your account at
- If you have access to multiple companies, use the search bar at the top to find the desired company or group
- Select the relevant profile (likely Broker Producer Profile or Billing Profile)
- On the left-hand column, click "Bank Account".
- You may edit the bank name, routing number, account number, and account type.
- Make sure to save after completing edits.
Please note:
- Adding in ACH information into this page is a permanent update and will start monthly auto-drafts. It is NOT a one-time payment.
- You may not remove ACH entirely from this page, see the contact below if you wish to remove or change from ACH to Check payments.
- This page is ONLY for group ACH payments and not for commission or other remittances.
- Be very careful to include all leading and ending zeroes in your routing and account numbers, failure to include a zero may result in a chargeback (failure) of payment.
Questions or problems using Elections Management? Reach out to: